5 Most Common Symptoms of Cancer in Dogs

Just like humans, dogs too suffer from cancer and according to statistics this illness is one of the main causes for pet euthanasia in Toronto. At least 20 dogs die from some sort of cancer every year in Toronto alone. As a loving and responsible pet owner, cancer is probably the last thing we want our pets to suffer from.

dog getting vaccinated
Almost any breed and size of dog can suffer from cancer. Hence, one should stay aware of his/her dog’s health so that any form of cancer, if appearing, can be diagnosed as soon as possible. Following are some common symptoms of cancer in dogs.

Common Symptoms of Cancer in Dogs

1. Unusual presence of lumps or swellings under the skin that appear all of a sudden can be a sign of cancer. It must be remembered that all such lumps aren’t cancerous in nature. However, a pet owner should call for a veterinary home visit immediately so as to get a biopsy of the lump to confirm whether it is cancerous.

2. Another common symptom of cancer in dogs could be an open wound or skin related problem that doesn’t go away. Skin cancer in dogs can take birth because of reaction to certain allergies, exposure to chemicals and also to the harmful UV rays that come from the sun. Prolonged exposure to Sun can also lead to it.

3. Prostrate cancer can be diagnosed in older dogs and this is one of the reasons why dog owners tend to go for home pet euthanasia. Common symptoms for such a cancer are visually hard to recognise but often dogs have problem in urinating and defecating. Blood in urine and stools is another symptom that can be seen.

4. Cancer of stomach, liver and kidney is also popular among all breeds and sizes of dogs. In this case, they stop eating and start drinking a lot of water overnight. They will occasionally also eat grass or certain plants. Ultimately the dog will experience rapid loss in weight along with symptoms of chronic diarrhoea.

5. Cancer of bones also known as osteosarcoma is nothing but a long bone tumour which is often diagnosed along with symptoms like muscle pains and arthritis. When the dog starts behaving abnormally, take note of the causes and try to investigate as what the problem is. Unusual pain can also make the dog look tiring.

A good way of preventing cancer in dogs is by avoiding harmful dog foods in their diet. One should make the dog’s food him/herself so that the dog can attain proper nutrients and a rich diet. Rarely do people know but it’s a fact that by doing so dogs can live twice as long.

We, at Mobile Vet Toronto, have been ranked amongst the leading pet clinics of Toronto. Call us anytime for a veterinary home visit.

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